When “Nanny State Instincts” Overwhelm a Senator's “Libertarian Streak”

Senator Christopher A. PearsonOn May 21, Sen. Chris Pearson (P-Chittenden) testified about H.157 on the Senate floor. H.157 would require that residential contractors register with the state of Vermont, and pay a fee for the privilege for doing so.

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The Answer to CRT Controversy In Schools is School Choice

A number of Vermont media outlets recently covered two dueling meetings in Essex over Critical Race Theory and what it means for public education. One meeting in the Grange Hall – “an audience of more than 100”, according to Seven Days – opposed how race was being discussed in schools. Across the street “The 40 or so participants” in a counter-rally expressed the opposite view.

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The Biden Budget

On the Friday before Memorial Day weekend, when the nation’s news media is least attentive, the Biden White House released the President’s budget proposal. Here’s a notable feature.

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Commentary: When Should Juveniles Become Adults?

Gov. Scott has vetoed a bill (S.107) that stretches from 19 to 20 the age at which arrests and court proceedings are made public. The issue raises the question of when juveniles should be given the rights, protections – and privileges and responsibilities - of adults.



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Commentary: Time for a New Approach to Healthcare Reform

In a study released in the fall of 2020, State Auditor Doug Hoffer reported that Vermont’s healthcare costs had increased by 167% between 2000 and 2018. Keep in mind that those years saw a number of “reforms” that promised to reduce costs while increasing access and quality, including Catamount Health, Green Mountain Care (the failed attempt at single payer), and the latest debacle that is OneCare Vermont. All of these programs shared some common characteristics: they were all top-down, government centered, and bureaucratic.

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Sen. Sasse’s vaccine diplomacy

Sen. Ben Sasse, Republican of Nebraska, says “The Biden administration wants to surrender America’s Covid-19 vaccine technology to anyone who wants it—including China. That is the substance of the May 5 announcement that the U.S. will enter into negotiations at the World Trade Organization to waive the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of International Property Rights for Covid vaccine technology.

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Fourth Amendment Protects Firearms in the Home

The Supreme Court has ruled unanimously for a Rhode Island man after police responding to a domestic disturbance took guns from his home without a warrant — a violation of the man’s Fourth Amendment rights, the justices ruled.

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How Scientists Let Us Down on Covid

Nicholas Wade, formerly a senior science reporter at the New York Times, issued a dazzling investigative report last week on the origins of the COVID virus. He leans to the conclusion that COVID somehow escaped from the Wuhan laboratory, although the case isn’t closed yet.

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