The Vermont Climate Council and Critical Race Theory

The debate over Critical Race Theory in Vermont has largely focused on education, policing, and with Covid, healthcare. But, in case you missed it (and judging by the very small number of YouTube views, you have) it is the dominant lens through which the Vermont Climate Council is approaching its mission of greenhouse gas reduction.

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45 Communist Goals from 58 Years Ago

On the founding of our nation’s 245th birthday, it would be nice to set our eyes on the window displaying blue skies. But out on another window displays storm clouds.  Montpelier’s decision to cancel any meaningful Fourth-of-July recognition along with our schools and our very own government promoting Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Black Lives Matter (BLM) tells us all we need to know about these ominous clouds. Both these movements are Marxist in origin.  With CRT being a derivative of the German Marxist Frankfurt School and member Max Horkheimer’s 1937 essay titled ‘Traditional and Critical Theory’ and one BLM founder on record stating that they are trained Marxists.

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Commentary: Let’s Grow Kids, or Let’s Grow Government?

Lawmakers recently passed a bill that begins the process for a major expansion of state-subsidized childcare for birth to five-year-olds rolled out over the next few years. The new law, crafted and pushed by the special interest group Let’s Grow Kids, could have major negative consequences for children, families, and taxpayers.

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Swiss vote “No carbon tax” in national referendum

Switzerland is famous for its national referenda, whereby current issues adopted by the legislature are put out for voter approval. Last week the Swiss voted on a proposed law that would have hiked taxes on gasoline, diesel fuel, heating oil and natural gas, and used the funds to reduce public health insurance premiums and fund green technologies and building efficiency improvements. This is essentially the current Vermont Global Warming Solutions Act strategy, with some health insurance subsidies added in to broaden its support.

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More Money, More Problems for Vermont Counties

Vermont’s 14 counties expect to receive $121 million ARPA federal stimulus funding, in proportion to their population. As discussed in a recent blog post, this will cause problems because Vermont’s county workers are few in number, without much experience in allocating federal dollars.

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Commentary: The Vermont Proposition and You

VCRD’s Vermont Proposition is a sincere liberal’s dream for somehow ending racism, reducing inequality, defeating poverty,  countering the menace of climate change, and replacing grassroots democracy with a hugely expanded and unaccountable administrative state.  Put it back on the shelf.

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