Vermont Climate Council Wants “Buttload” More Compensation
Yes, the Vermont Climate Council, the twenty-three member climate change task force whose numbers have swollen with the incorporation of a multitude of outside subcommittee members, want more money for themselves in their efforts to make your life less affordable.
Roll Call! Senate to Allow Montpelier’s Noncitizens to Vote in City Elections (20-10), 2021
The benefit of School Choice in the COVID era
The forced remote learning fiasco imposed on Vermont public school students this past year highlighted the lack of common benefits available from the state’s education system.
Where did Vermont's federal Covid-relief funding go?
Rep. George Till, Sales Tax on Services Champion
A few days ago I received a copy of an email to a constituent from Rep. George Till, a member of the House Ways and Means Committee. The Committee is apparently discussing which if any of the recommendations of the Vermont Tax Structure Commission to enact.
Commentary: A Biden Supreme Court-Packing Battle?
President Biden is under pressure from the Democratic Left to seize control of the Supreme Court, by packing it with additional liberal justices committed to upholding the Biden program. President Roosevelt tried that in 1937, and got hammered flat. It would destroy the independence of the Judiciary and fatally rupture the American system of a government of separated powers and constitutional fidelity.
Commentary: The Least Secure Voting System in the Nation
Vermont is on the cusp of having the least secure election system in the nation.
The bill that passed the Vermont senate 27-3 (S.15) is now under consideration in the house. It would make permanent the temporary, COVID-emergency provisions adopted for the 2020 general election, including the policy of mailing “live” ballots to all voters who are active on the voter checklist, regardless of whether or not the voter requests an absentee ballot.
30 Vermont farms in Sierra Club Crosshairs
Here’s the latest on the climate change battlefront. Guy Page of the Vermont Daily reported last week that “The Vermont chapter of the Sierra Club is standing with the national Sierra Club petition to the Biden administration to regulate dairy farms of 500 or more cows under the Clean Air Act, due to air pollution and climate concerns. If approved, the regulations would affect about 30 Vermont farms, at least to start with.”
All-Mail Voting Doesn’t Increase Participation
Bill Gardner, New Hampshire’s Democrat secretary of state has been in his office since 1976, so he has seen and overseen quite a few elections. He testified before congress in vehement opposition to H.R. 1, the proposed legislation that would, among other things, expand vote-by-mail in throughout the nation. Proponents nationally, and here in Vermont as we debate our own proposal to absentee ballots to all voters regardless of request, say this will increase turnout.