Red Flag Laws
An important provision in the compromise firearms violence package being debated in the U.S. Senate is the extreme risk protection order, or red flag law. At last report the Senate package contains millions of dollars for states to create red flag laws, designed to put firearms out of the reach of individuals deemed likely to use them to harm others.
When the Government Isn't Held Liable for Destroying Homes
One of my favorite organizations is Institute for Justice, that defends citizens whose property rights are trampled by governments. One recent case is that of Vicki Baker, who lives in a suburb of Dallas.
“Stop telling kids that climate change will destroy their world”
Columnist Holman Jenkins of the Wall Street Journal has long been a critic of exaggerated and fictitious claims about the menace of climate change – while at the same time advocating for a global carbon tax to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
Do you know how EAI is tackling gas prices, election integrity, and govt. accountability?
I come bearing good news. This year, climate activists were confident that they would enact the destructive “Clean Heat Standard” (CHS) bill, which would have made Vermont the first in the nation to regulate all fossil-based home heating fuels. The aim was to penalize local fuel dealers (driving them out of business) and make fossil fuels so expensive and inaccessible that Vermonters would be forced to heat their homes with inefficient and inferior substitutes. To the utter shock of the political left, this carefully laid scheme went awry.
Commentary: Watch Out for a Heating Oil Crunch
A combination of factors could well lead to much higher heating oil prices by the end of the year. Ironically, that’s what the climate change warriors have worked hard to bring about for the past six years – but if this happens, the increased fuel cost will go into the petroleum supply chain, not to the state to finance green subsidies. Let’s hope that global warming will bring us a string of mild winters.
Is VT Political Media Really Worse in 2012 than Today?
On June 7, John Walters posted a piece titled, “What We’ve Lost” on his blog, the Vermont Political Observer, which he describes as “Analysis and observation of Vermont politics from a liberal viewpoint.” Many Vermonters enjoyed Walters “Fair Game” column in Seven Days from 2016-19, which gave us a weekly update on the goings on at the Statehouse.
Is There a Sea Level Rise Problem?
One of the most serious coming effects of climate change as declared by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, will be rising sea levels. Global Mean Sea Level has risen steadily by around eleven inches since 1940 and the IPCC projects an acceleration as higher global temperatures cause the oceans to expand. Let’s say it might rise by two feet by the year 2100.
Farewell to Scary Mary
A month ago the Biden Administration came up with a super new idea – creating a Disinformation Governance Board within the Department of Homeland Security. The Board could stamp out disinformation about the Biden program, and like Big Brother listen in on anything you say.
Uvalde shooting
The horrible school shooting in Uvalde, Texas has brought forth impassioned demands to “do something”, but as Sen. Cruz pointed out, the people making the demands rarely if ever have any idea what to do that would sharply reduce such shootings.
Respecting Precedent in Constitutional Law
The debate is raging over the U.S. Supreme Court’s leaked draft opinion overturning the 1973 abortion rights decision, Roe v. Wade, and its follow on opinions in Doe v. Bolton (1973) and Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992). The advocates for a constitutional right to abortion have never quite agreed just where this right can be found in the Constitution. But they do agree and have strongly argued that the judicial rule of stare decisis – a presumption of the validity of longstanding earlier decisions – should be invoked to keep in force the right declared in Roe v. Wade 49 years ago.