Commentary: Climate Plan’s Costs Are Real. Savings, Not So Much.

Listening to the presentation to the Climate Council on the cost savings they are claiming will be associated with the Climate Action Plan (CAP), I was reminded of the classic scene from Caddyshack where Bill Murray’s character tells the story of his compensation for a round with Dalai Lama: “Oh, there won’t be any money,” says the Lama, “But when you die, on your deathbed you will receive total consciousness.”

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Driving 10% Less by 2050 has hefty price tag and open questions

The September 29 presentation David Hill of the Energy Futures Group’s gave to the Climate Council Cross-Sector Mitigation Subcommittee was quite informative. It outlined the 17 goals the group had recommended for meeting the GWSA’s requirements including one reducing car miles driven.

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Director of Global Warming Solutions Act calls transportation recommendations “unviable.”

It has been nearly a year since the multi-state, New England/Mid Atlantic Transportation Climate Initiative (TCI-P) collapsed do to only one of the thirteen states (MA) actually signing onto the program, the rest taking a hard pass or offering a polite maybe later.  TCI-P was a carbon tax scheme on gasoline and diesel motor fuels designed to increase the cost of those products, discouraging their use, while simultaneously extracting hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue from drivers for the participating states to spend.

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Climate Censorship

The Wall Street Journal had a really concerning editorial entitled: The Climate Change Censorship: The left is demanding that social media shut down debate even on solutions”.

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Moon Landings? Mars?

From 1969 to 1972 the United States completed six crewed missions to the moon that landed 12 astronauts, not counting Apollo 13, that NASA dramatically rescued in one of the great engineering performances of all time..

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Commentary: Working Out of the Housing Crisis

Over the past fifty years affordable housing for working families has been thwarted by a growing web of regulation at the behest of a wide range of interests. If Vermonters want more such housing – and that’s a debatable proposition – we’ll have to backtrack to give home builders a fair chance to deliver their product.

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Vermont State Lawmakers Ranked 5th Most Liberal in US

ALEXANDRIA, VA (October 13, 2022) — The voting of Vermont’s state lawmakers has placed the legislature as the 5th most liberal in America according to a new 50 state analysis conducted by the Center for Legislative Accountability (CLA), a project of CPAC Foundation and the American Conservative Union Foundation.

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Climate Council Finds GWSA Trickier to Sugarcoat, even with Generous Assumptions

For a couple of years now, progressives and Vermont bureaucrats have emphasized how important they believe reducing carbon emissions is. In order to sell this vision to those outside the far left, they often describe how spending more upfront will result in long term savings. For example: Vermont needs to spend millions on solar to get “free energy from the sun.” The argument goes something like, “even if you don’t have to believe in earth-rending climate change, these policies make financial sense to implement anyway, at some point in the distant future.” This was part of the attitude undergirding the passage of the Global Warming Solutions Act. At that time in 2020, no one bothered to put a serious price tag on these policies before they were voted upon. Part of that façade is starting to disappear in 2022, and the costs are becoming disturbingly apparent.

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Costs of wind and solar

Longtime environmentalist Michael Shellenberger said in an October 1 lecture in Sydney, Australia that one of the “most misleading ways wind and solar sales people sell their technology” is to claim the electricity produced by wind and solar is cheaper.” 

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The Costs of Producing Motor Fuel

Jim Geraghty, the energy expert at National Review, said last week that ‘U.S. refineries are running at full capacity, or just short of full capacity. This is why oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve releases got sent to Europe and Asia, because they had the room and equipment to turn it into actual usable fuel. The U.S. currently has no more spare ability to turn the oil from the reserve into stuff that will actually make your car move; yelling at the oil companies isn’t going to change what is fundamentally an engineering problem.’

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