NH Legislature Passes “Advanced Plastic Recycling” Over Objections of Environmentalists

Drew Cline of the Josiah Bartlett Center reports how the New Hampshire legislature passed a recycling advancement bill over green objections. He writes “Companies they think they have a breakthrough concept:  chemical, or advanced, recycling. It has the potential to increase plastics recycling and decrease solid waste. Naturally, environmental activist groups hate it.”

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Commentary: Bad policy begets worse, repealing the GWSA is the solution

One signature and one vote thwarted the attempt to upend heating in Vermont's built environment. Governor Phil Scott won the game of political ping pong against the Legislature, when the latter failed to override his veto of the Clean Heat Standard (CHS) bill by one vote.

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Defeating the "Clean Heat Standard" or Carbon Tax on Home Heating

The attempt to upend heating in Vermont's built environment collapsed this legislative session. The "Clean Heat Standard" (CHS) bill was touted as the most impactful plan to meet the carbon reduction goals mandated by the state’s Global Warming Solutions Act. It planned to replace fossil-based heating fuels with (carbon-intensive) biofuels or wood burning systems; and force local fuel dealers to pay for installing cold-climate heat pumps and weatherizing homes across the state. 
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Two GWSA Pillars Down, One to Go.

The Transportation Climate Initiative (TCI-P), a stealth carbon tax on gasoline and diesel, died last December when the only three states that originally agreed to participate all backed out. That was one down. The Clean Heat Standard (CHS), a stealth carbon tax on propane, natural gas, kerosene, and heating oil was just successfully vetoed by Governor Scott. That’s two. The next piece of the Global Warming Solutions Act up for consideration is Vermont participation in the California Clean Car & Clean Truck Standards – an ultimate ban on internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles.

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Biden’s Ministry of Truth

An unforced error is when a politician volunteers or says something stupid and/or politically harmful without realizing its effects. President Biden offered an excellent example of an unforced error when last month when he announced formation of a Disinformation Governance Board, and dispatched Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to build support for it.

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PR: EAI applauds Defeat of Carbon Tax on 77% of VT Households heating with oil and gas

Vermont Climate Council’s Clean Heat Standard – a disguised carbon tax on Vermont  homeowners, renters, businesses, schools, hospitals and municipal governments, fell one vote short of passage on Wednesday.

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Commentary: Heating Fuel Tax Dead – for Now

On May 11 the short life of the Clean Heat Standard (CHS), promising “clean heat for a cooler planet”, came to sudden but probably not final end.

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Climate Guru Again Calls for More Nuclear Power

The New York Energy and Climate Advocates put out a press release on April 15 that should be of some interest.  “As New York’s Climate Action Council conducts public hearings on how to meet the goals of the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, climate scientist and former director of  NASA’s Goddard Institute Dr. James E. Hansen, labor representatives, community leaders, and engineers called for a bold and inclusive climate strategy, embracing both renewables and zero-carbon nuclear.”

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