Who’s Really Racist in the Fight Over Mascots?

Rutland High School is engaged in the latest case of attempted virtue signaling by changing the name of a sports team. The Raiders, whose logo is an arrowhead, are on the chopping block because, allegedly, racism. But what’s really racist here? Keeping and honoring a Native American symbol of pride, community spirit and strength, or eradicating it precisely because it is Native American. Who’s leading this cause, Andrew Jackson?

What this weird and growing phenomenon is really about in its effect is the systematic elimination of Mascots of Color. Which is, when you think about it, kinda racist.

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Massachusetts Car Data Law Victory

Here’s a heartening news report from Eric Boehm of Reason.com: ”The most expensive ballot initiative campaign in Massachusetts history ended with a resounding victory for property rights as voters approved the so-called "right-to-repair" ballot initiative.”

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VT Tourism Drops Almost 50% vs. 2019

Seven Days had a fascinating cover story this week: “For Vermonters and out-of-state visitors, the requirement to quarantine (for 14 days) when traveling to the Green Mountains from elsewhere in the Northeast is governed by a county-by-county map that changes weekly, according to case rates. Quarantine counties are depicted in red or yellow, non-quarantine counties in green

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Stiffing Justice Barrett

Erin Hawley of the Independent Women’s Law Center is a former law clerk for Chief Justice John Roberts. She recently blasted the Girl Scouts of America, which has celebrated the previous four female justices - O’Connor, Ginsburg, Kagan and Sotomayor - for stiffing new Justice Amy Coney Barrett’

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Commentary: Elections Over, Challenges Ahead

The 2021 legislature faces major challenges on Fiscal Worries, Revenue Shortfalls, Retirement Fund Deterioration, and Electric Grid Challenges, but the governor surely won‘t launch a much needed Performance Review.

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Good paying green energy jobs are unlikely

The Climate Change crowd, and their gubernatorial candidate David Zuckerman’s advertising, enthusiastically predict that their Green New Deal will produce thousands of well-paying jobs for Vermonters.

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Burlington Ranks High in Quality of Life, Education & Health, Low in Safety and Affordability

Wallethub ranked Burlington as the #152 best small city in the US! Burlington placed better than 82% of the 1269 contestants which have a population between 25,000 and 100,000.

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NJ Environmental Groups Call TCI “Racist,” Oppose Climate Pact

A leading New Jersey environmental group, Clean Water Action, came out with a strong statement urging that state’s governor to reject the Transportation Climate Initiative (TCI), a proposed multi-state pact that would raise the price of gasoline and diesel by 5-17 cents per gallon.

Among the group’s many complaints about the proposal is that it is “racist.”

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Commentary: Early Voting Is Bad for Democracy

Every day there is a new announcement from the Vermont Secretary of State’s office proudly proclaiming how many people have cast their ballots weeks before election day on November 3rd. As I’m writing this opening paragraph that number is about 150,000. By the time I reach the end the number will likely be much higher. This is not a good thing. It’s certainly nothing to be proud of.

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Ethan Allen Institute Releases Short Session Legislator Vote Profiles

The Ethan Allen Institute released its officially updated legislator “Roll Call Profiles” today to reflect the key votes from the August and September 2020 legislative session. 

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