Commentary: The “Bypass Scott” Strategy in Action

The legislature’s enactment of the Community Resilience and Biodiversity Protection Act is another troubling example of how massive changes in Vermont are being engineered these days, whether the democratically elected governor likes it or not.

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Commentary: Putting Aside the Science

In this era dominated by aggressive steps to deal with “climate change”, it’s worth inquiring into what the climate activists are working to install in our public school system, presumably to lead their pupils into supporting a long list of policies on the climate change agenda.

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Blue State Progressive Budgets

Last week the Wall Street Journal compared blue state California with Red state Florida on government finances.

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How the Administrative State Works

My friend Dr. Donald Devine makes a good point about the workings of the Administrative State . 

In a review of a book by former Secretary of the Interior Avid Bernhardt.

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Commentary: The Possibly “Historic” Veto Session

The word “historic” is seriously overused these days, too often to describe events more curious than momentous. A case can be made, however, for the events taking place this week in the “veto session”, in which the supermajority Democratic legislature confronts a popular Republican governor. Consider this combination of facts.

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Commentary: Putting Aside the Science

In this era dominated by aggressive steps to deal with “climate change”, it’s worth inquiring into what the climate activists are working to install in our public school system, presumably to lead their pupils into supporting a long list of policies on the climate change agenda.

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Commentary: EAI Lifetime Achievement Award : A Tribute To John McClaughry

From left to right, Mr. Chris DeMuth, Mr. John McClaughry, Mr. Jack McMullen, and Mr. Myers Mermel “The following tribute was delivered by Mr. Chris Demuth at the Ethan Allen Institute 30th Anniversary Dinner at Burlington, Vermont, on May 31, 2023. At dinner, Mr. John McClaughry was presented with the Institute’s Lifetime Achievement Award for his public policy work in service of Vermont and her people.

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Commentary: The Climate-Conscious Transportation Game

The red hot policy issue in the state right now is S.5, the (un)Affordable Heat bill passed by the Democratic supermajority in the House and Senate. Gov. Scott vetoed it last Thursday.

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Electric Heat and Frozen Pipes

I recently got an email from a former Vermonter, an engineer, whose career has been largely in building systems. He wrote, “Now that the Vermont Legislature has passed the Affordable Heat Act, your liquid fuels costs will [In 2025] start hitting $9/gal at least for heating oil and diesel, so I predict that there will be a new industry of coal smuggling starting up.” 

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Burlington’s Homeless Problem

A major issue dividing Democrats and Gov. Scott is what to do with some 2,800 homeless who’ve been relying on a state-run motel program that is weeks away from terminating.

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