Roll Call! House adds 27 days for “Default Proceed” Firearm Background Checks (97-49), 2022


in the State House of Representatives
on January 27, 2022, by a vote of

Purpose: The underlying bill makes it a crime to intentionally carry a gun into a hospital, with punishment ranging from 1 year in prison and/or a fine of $1000.

The Notte Amendment would lengthen the time some Vermont firearm applicants would need to purchase a firearm to 30 days. The federal Brady Bill requires that a firearm applicant’s name go through the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) to purchase a firearm. While most background checks are instant, the FBI has up to 3 days to investigate a prospective applicant. If the FBI doesn’t flag the buyer to the seller of the gun within 3 days, the transaction receives a “default proceed,” allowing the buyer to purchase the firearm. This amendment would lengthen the default proceed from 3 days to 30 days. 3% of gun purchases in Vermont take longer than 3 days.

The amendment contains 3 other less controversial items: 1) it clarifies that a healthcare provider may report to law enforcement if they think a patient poses a serious health risk to themselves or the public, 2) it authorizes data collection of extreme risk protection orders each year and 3) it allows out of state firearm owners to bring high capacity firearms for competitions into Vermont legally.

Analysis: Those voting YES believe this amended bill could “potentially save lives.” It gives healthcare providers the opportunity share concerns about the applicant. In 2020-21, Vermont law enforcement tried to take back 28 firearms from firearm purchasers. These individuals received a “default proceed” to purchase after waiting 3 days with no word from the FBI, and then failed their background check afterword. 9 of these 28 firearms were not retrieved. Proponents of the amendment believe adding 27 days would have prevented most of these dangerous police retrievals. 19 other states have a “default proceed” of at least 30 days. The most common reason for a delay in a background check was a domestic violence claim, which takes at around 10 days to be cleared up.

Some of those voting NO believe the amendment caused the bill to morph a straightforward hospital gun ban in the Senate, to a multi-purpose gun bill which limits freedom in a dozen ways. They may have been willing to support a smaller jump in “default proceed,” but going from 3 days to 30 days is extreme. Since failed background checks have a shelf life of 30 days, the applicant could be caught in an “endless cycle” of re-applying. Individuals sharing a name with a criminal are especially vulnerable to having their right to bear arms endlessly delayed. Opponents of the amendment me care about what other states do. The term “knowingly possess a firearm in a hospital” is left to the discretion of law enforcement. Others voting NO believe the underlying bill doesn’t go far enough, since smaller “urgent care facilities” are not included.

As Recorded in the House Journal, Thursday, January 27, 2022: “Shall the House propose to the Senate to amend the bill as recommended by the Committee on Judiciary?, was decided in the affirmative. Yeas, 97. Nays, 49” (Read the Journal, p. 155 – 158).

Watch the floor debate on YouTube.

These roll call reports are designed to help citizens understand how their elected representatives vote on key issues. The bills may or may not eventually become law. Click on the link to the bill page at the top of this post for an up to date status on the bill.


How They Voted
(Click on your Rep’s name to view their Roll Call Profile)

Sally Achey (R - Middletown Springs) – NO
Janet Ancel (D – Calais) – YES
Peter Anthony (D – Barre City) – YES
Norman Arrison (D - Weathersfield) – YES
Sarita Austin (D – Colchester) – YES
John Bartholomew (D – Hartland) – YES
Scott Beck (R – St. Johnsbury) – YES
Matthew Birong (D – Vergennes) – YES
Alyssa Black (D - Essex) – YES
Tiffany Bluemle (D - Burlington) – YES
Thomas Bock (D – Chester) – YES
Seth Bongartz (D - Manchester) – YES
Michelle Bos-Lun (D - Westminster) – YES
Erin Brady (D - Williston) – YES
Patrick Brennan (R – Colchester) – NO
Timothy Briglin (D – Thetford) – YES
Jana Brown (D – Richmond) – YES
Nelson Brownell (D – Pownal) – NO
Jessica Brumsted (D – Shelburne) – YES
Thomas Burditt (R – West Rutland) – NO
Mollie Burke (P/D – Brattleboro) – YES
Elizabeth Burrows (P/D - West Windsor) – YES
Scott Campbell (D – St. Johnsbury) – 
Bill Canfield (R – Fair Haven) – NO
Seth Chase (D – Colchester) –  YES
Kevin “Coach” Christie (D – Hartford) – YES
Brian Cina (P/D – Burlington) – YES
Sara Coffey (D – Guilford) – YES
Selene Colburn (P/D – Burlington) – YES
Hal Colston (D – Winooski) – YES
Peter Conlon (D – Cornwall) – YES
Sarah Copeland-Hanzas (D – Bradford) – YES
Timothy Corcoran (D – Bennington) – YES
Mari Cordes (D/P – Lincoln) – YES
Lawrence Cupoli (R – Rutland City) – NO
Lynn Dickinson (R – St. Albans Town) – NO
Karen Dolan (D - Essex) –  YES
Kari Dolan (D – Waitsfield) – YES
Anne Donahue (R – Northfield) – NO
Kate Donnally (D - Hyde Park) – YES
David Durfee (D – Shaftsbury) – YES
Caleb Elder (D – Starksboro) – YES
Alice Emmons (D – Springfield) – YES
Peter Fagan (R – Rutland City) – YES
Martha Feltus (R – Lyndon) – NO
John Gannon (D – Wilmington) –  NO
Leslie Goldman (D - Bellows Falls) – YES
Rey Garofano (D - Essex) – YES
Kenneth Goslant (R – Northfield) – NO
Maxine Grad (D – Moretown) – YES
Rodney Graham (R – Williamstown) – NO
James Gregoire (R – Fairfield) –  NO
Lisa Hango (R – Berkshire) – NO
James Harrison (R – Chittenden) – NO
Robert Helm (R – Fair Haven) –NO 
Mark Higley (R – Lowell) – NO
Robert Hooper (D – Burlington) – YES
Mary Hooper (D – Montpelier) – YES
Philip Hooper (D – Randolph) – YES
Lori Houghton (D – Essex) – YES
Mary Howard (D – Rutland) – YES
Kathleen James (D – Manchester) –  YES
Stephanie Jerome (D – Brandon) – YES
Kimberly Jessup (D – Middlesex) – YES
John Killacky (D – S. Burlington) – YES
Charles Kimbell (D – Woodstock) – YES
Warren Kitzmiller (D – Montpelier) – YES
Emilie Kornheiser (D – Brattleboro) – YES
Jill Krowinski (D – Burlington) – PRESIDING
Larry Labor (R - Morgan) – NO
Robert LaClair (R – Barre) – NO
Martin LaLonde (D – S. Burlington) – YES
Diane Lanpher (D – Vergennes) – YES
Paul Lefebvre (R – Newark) – ABSENT
Samantha Lefebvre (R - Orange) – NO
Felisha Leffler (R – Enosburgh) – NO

William Lippert (D – Hinesburg) – YES
Emily Long (D – Newfane) – YES
Michael Marcotte (R – Coventry) – NO
Marcia Martel (R – Waterford) – NO
Paul Martin (R - Franklin) – NO
James Masland (D – Thetford) – YES
Christopher Mattos (R – Milton) – NO
Michael McCarthy (D – St. Albans City) – YES

Curtis McCormack (D – Burlington) – YES
Patricia McCoy (R – Poultney) – NO
James McCullough (D – Williston) – YES
Francis McFaun (R – Barre Town) – NO
Leland Morgan (R – Milton) – NO
Michael Morgan (R - Milton) – NO
Kristi Morris (D – Springfield) – 
Mary Morrissey (R – Bennington) – NO
Michael Mrowicki (D – Putney) – 
Emma Mulvaney-Stanak (D - Burlington) - 
Barbara Murphy (I – Fairfax) – NO
Logan Nicoll (D – Ludlow) – YES
Michael Nigro (D - Bennington) – YES
Robert Norris (R - Sheldon) - NO
Terry Norris (I – Shoreham) – NO
William Notte (D – Rutland) – YES
Daniel Noyes (D – Wolcott) – YES
John O’Brien (D – Tunbridge) – YES
Carol Ode (D – Burlington) – YES
“Woody” Page (R – Newport City) – NO
Kelly Pajala (I – Londonderry) – NO
John Palasik (R – Milton) – NO
Joseph Parsons (R – Newbury) – NO
Carolyn Partridge (D – Windham) – YES
Avram Patt (D – Worcester) – YES
Henry Pearl (D - Danville) – NO
Arthur Peterson (R - Clarendon) – NO
Ann Pugh (D – S. Burlington) – YES
Barbara Rachelson (D/P – Burlington) – YES
Lucy Rogers (D – Waterville) – YES
Carl Rosenquist (R – Georgia) – NO
Larry Satcowitz (D - Randolph) –  YES
Robin Scheu (D – Middlebury) – YES
Heidi Scheuermann (R – Stowe) – NO
Patrick Seymour (R – Sutton) – ABSENT
Charles “Butch” Shaw (R – Pittsford) – NO
Amy Sheldon (D – Middlebury) – YES
Laura Sibilia (I – Dover) – NO
Katherine Sims (D - Craftsbury) – YES
Taylor Small (P/D - Winooski) – YES
Brian Smith (R – Derby) – NO
Harvey Smith (R – New Haven) – NO
Trevor Squirrell (D – Underhill) – YES
Gabrielle Stebbins (D - Burlington) - YES
Thomas Stevens (D – Waterbury) – YES
Vicki Strong (R – Albany) – NO
Linda Joy Sullivan (D – Dorset) – YES
Heather Suprenant (D - Barnard) – YES
Curt Taylor (D – Colchester) – YES
Thomas Terenzini (R – Rutland Town) – NO
George Till (D – Jericho) – YES
Tristan Toleno (D – Brattleboro) – YES
Casey Toof (R – St. Albans Town) – NO
Maida Townsend (D – S. Burlington) – YES
Joseph “Chip” Troiano (D – Stannard) – YES
Tanya Vyhovsky (P/D - Essex) – YES
Tommy Walz (D – Barre City) – YES

Kathryn Webb (D – Shelburne) – YES
Kirk White (P/D - Bethel) – YES
Rebecca White (D – Hartford) – YES
Dane Whitman (D - Bennington) – YES
Terri Lynn Williams (R - Granby) – NO
Theresa Wood (D – Waterbury) – YES
David Yacovone (D – Morristown) – YES
Michael Yantachka (D – Charlotte) – YES



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