Pacific Legal Foundation 50th Anniversary
I received a nice packet the other day celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Pacific Legal Foundation, based in Sacramento, California. I’ve been aware of their good works for most of those 50 years, but their recent legal victories are truly remarkable.
Climate Signal Emergence
Roger Pielke Jr. is a PhD Professor of environmental science at the University of Colorado and has been involved with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change for 30 years.
Crisis of Character
Two months ago I read a column by Don Feder in the Washington Times which has stuck with me ever since. It was titled “Crisis of Character”. Here’s an excerpt:
George Will on National Debt
My favorite columnist is George Will of the Washington Post, who was the featured speaker at the Ethan Allen Institute’s thirtieth anniversary gala on May 31.
Vermont a Magnet for the Homeless
Columnist Tom Evslin recently quoted The New York Times report of the partial end of Vermont’s Emergency Hotel Program for the homeless.:
“In the first year of the expanded hotel program, the number of Vermonters counted as homeless more than doubled, to 2,590 in 2021 from 1,110 in 2020. In the total jumped again, to 3,295.
New York City's Success Academy
A July 7 editorial in the New York Post highlighted the educational performance of 7th and 8th grade kids – mostly low income black and Hispanic – in New York city’s charter school called Success Academy.
Blue State Progressive Budgets
Last week the Wall Street Journal compared blue state California with Red state Florida on government finances.
How the Administrative State Works
My friend Dr. Donald Devine makes a good point about the workings of the Administrative State .
In a review of a book by former Secretary of the Interior Avid Bernhardt.
Electric Heat and Frozen Pipes
I recently got an email from a former Vermonter, an engineer, whose career has been largely in building systems. He wrote, “Now that the Vermont Legislature has passed the Affordable Heat Act, your liquid fuels costs will [In 2025] start hitting $9/gal at least for heating oil and diesel, so I predict that there will be a new industry of coal smuggling starting up.”
Burlington’s Homeless Problem
A major issue dividing Democrats and Gov. Scott is what to do with some 2,800 homeless who’ve been relying on a state-run motel program that is weeks away from terminating.