Vermont "Needs" 1,150% More Electric Vehicles by 2025

Here’s a quick peek at what the Vermont Climate Council is planning to unload on us in a month, courtesy of Matt Cota of the Vermont Fuel Dealers Association.

“As required by the Vermont Global Warming Solutions Act, [passed over Gov. Scott’s veto] the [Climate Action Plan] must be submitted to lawmakers by December 1 and explain how the state will reduce carbon emissions by 26% by 2025. In order to meet these emission reduction mandates, the number of electric vehicles will have to increase by 1,150% over the next three years. The number of homes with cold climate electric heat pumps will have to increase by 71%.”

“ Back in May, Vermont lawmakers set aside $100 million in federal funds from the American Rescue Plan Act to implement the still unwritten “Climate Action Plan.” While the money has been identified, it isn’t clear whether it can be spent on the plan. A review of U.S. Treasury guidance clearly states that American Rescue Plan funds can only be used to address the negative economic impacts of the [COVID] public health emergency. Lawmakers on the budget committee admitted earlier this year that they are not sure whether climate change spending qualifies under ARPA.” 

Matt’s organization  advocates for reductions in emissions through the installation of more efficient oil and gas fired equipment, but the Climate Council surely won’t settle for that. 


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