The Superabundance of Climate Lobbyists

I took some time last week to work through the photo book of registered lobbyists at the Vermont State House, with a particular eye for the number of them announced as working for “climate change” legislation.

I focused on just four organizations battling for more climate change legislation, although there are several more lobbyists employed by contract lobbyists like the Necrason Group and the Nature Conservancy who could reasonably be included.

The four lobby groups I selected were Vermont Public Interest Research Group VPIRG, the Vermont Natural Resources Council VNRC, the Conservation Law Foundation CLF, and Bill McKibben’s climate action group

Here’s the count. VPIRG registered thirteen lobbyists. VNRC registered fourteen. CLF registered four, and registered two. Total from these four: thirty-three lobbyists.

How much do these groups spend to influence our legislators? Of the top three, VPIRG spent $119,916, making them the 9th biggest spender among all lobby groups. VNRC spent $97,973. CLF, which is eager to go to court to enforce the Global Warming Solutions Act that all of these groups battled fiercely for, spent $52,519. The total for these three lobby groups: $270,408.

To put this into perspective, how many lobbyists are working to protect the taxpayer, electric ratepayer, and property owner? Zero. How much was spent for those interests? Zero.

Now you know why you are overtaxed and overregulated by state government.

John McClaughry is vice president of the Ethan Allen Institute.


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  • Mark Donka
    commented 2020-09-30 18:52:07 -0400
    It is absolutely insane the way the left pushed the GWSA in Montpelier. At a time when people are stuck at home out of work due to the “plandemic”. Yes not pandemic. People are trying to make sense of what is going on in the State while our legislator’s do zoom meetings that most people don’t know about or many that don’t have access to quality internet to sign in. So they legislate basically in private with public input. They only hear from the lobbyist’s finance their campaigns. Vermont needs to wake up and vote for a change.