The Reason foundation’s Christian Barnard published an encouraging story on school choice advances in six states.
In South Carolina, the governor signed a law creating a Trust Fund to fund Education Savings accounts for students who are eligible for Medicaid. Participating students will receive up to $6,000 in scholarship funds that can be used for instructional services, materials, and private school tuition.
In Oklahoma, legislators sent a bill the governor to create a refundable tax credit program where families can receive up to $7,500 per child to pay for private school tuition, depending on their household income. The bill would also establish a $1,000 per child income tax credit for homeschooling families.
Indiana lawmakers passed a bill that expands the state’s multiple school choice programs to near universality. The state’s programs are now available to families below 400% of free and reduced lunch eligibility.
Montana legislation created an ESA for students with disabilities. The amount of roughly $7,000 per student includes state and local district funds.
In North Carolina, legislators are considering three significant pieces of school choice legislation: One would provide more funding to charter schools; One would expand the state’s ESA program to be universal; and a third would create a cross-district public school open enrollment law.
Nebraska lawmakers passed a bill to create a tax credit scholarship program for students previously enrolled in public schools or entering kindergarten or ninth grade.
When will Vermont ever appear on such a list?
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