On April 20th, the Ethan Allen Institute hosted its 29th annual Jefferson Day celebration at Saint Michael's College, showing the first half of the Ken Burns film "Thomas Jefferson." EAI Board Chairman Jack McMullen presented former EAI president Rob Roper with an award for leading the organization from 2014-22. EAI Vice President John McClaughry fielded questions about the film afterwards.
"The evening was upbeat in its honoring Rob Roper's near decade long service as EAI president. The Jefferson film was remarkably well done and balanced showing his strengths and his human failings."
~ Jack McMullen, Chairman of the EAI Board of Directors
"It was my first EAI event and I loved the energy of the group and enjoyed spending time with like minded people."
~ Randall Northrup, EAI Board Member
"It was a truly wonderful evening! Besides a well-deserved recognition of Rob Roper’s many accomplishments as EAI president, we were treated to a truly thought provoking and beautifully produced film about one of the most seminal yet complex figures in American history."
~ Robert Letovskey, EAI Board Member
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