Climate Action Plan Wages War on Rural Vermonters

Just before the Vermont Climate Council voted to pass its Climate Action Plan under the Global Warming Solutions Act, member Sean Brown, who is also Commissioner Department for Children and Families, issued this dire warning for rural Vermonters:

I have a growing concern of the impact of this plan… is disproportionately going to impact rural Vermonters in ways that they don’t understand yet. When you say “no net loss of open land or working land” that hits rural Vermont. When you talk about “no new development” and focusing it [development] in downtowns, that hits rural Vermont. Transportation changes in this plan are going to hit rural Vermonters hard. Every part of this plan is going to hit rural Vermont, which is already economically disadvantaged in many ways, and also some of the changes to the UVA we discussed earlier will impact a sector that is very vibrant in rural Vermont, which is forestry. If you take out large sections of forest and have them become wild, you’re impacting the economic viability of thousands of Vermonters. It’s impact on biomass, and the forest industry. It’s a growing concern on my part that this plan is going to impact rural Vermont in ways that they don’t understand.

Indeed, the Climate Action Plan is a full scale attack on the rural Vermont way of life, and on rural Vermonters ways of making a living. Brown’s is yet another red flag that Vermonters really don’t understand what this law really is, does, and will cost in terms of money and lost liberties to massive government control, micromanaging every facet of our lives.

Get educated, folks! And then get active. Time is running out to put the breaks on this Mack Truck.

-- Rob Roper is president of the Ethan Allen Institute


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  • Ivan St George
    commented 2021-12-04 11:36:05 -0500
    My God folks,
    where do we begin, this insane, unlawful and criminally irresponsible plan along with the upcoming Prop
    9 VT constitutional amendment vote in this upcoming legislature and we have what amounts to be the “final solution” for climate Dictators and some well meaning followers to destroy what is left of our individual’
    liberty , freedom and private property rights guaranteed to us in our founding documents.
    I am not overstating it because there are no limits to what these (cant use the words) people will do in order to control us and finally crush the greatest nation and 50 states the world has ever known
  • Rob Roper
    published this page in EAI Blog 2021-12-02 10:13:16 -0500