Another Heat Pump Report

The Vermont Climate Council wants us all to keep warm with electric heat pumps, to defeat the menace of climate change. Here’s another report from a heat pump user to keep in mind.

Rod and Mary Ann Sanborn live in Richford, on the Canadian border. He writes Senator Russ Ingalls:  “ In the Spring and Fall seasons, the cost of warming with the pumps was tolerable but last heating season we attempted to heat our home with the pumps and in one month including just two days of subzero temperatures , the cost of electrical usage with Vermont Electric Coop increased in a month’s time from $150 to $395.”

“How on earth can anyone, especially the aged and disabled, afford to ever be able to heat their homes for these types of costs?”

“My wife is teaching and I’m on Social Security disability and even with both incomes, we had to discontinue heating with the pumps and return to propane heat in the winter months, on a $200 per month budget plan payment.”

“Those in support of the Affordable Heat Act seem to have either a very limited understanding of the dire effects their act will cause to all Vermont home heaters, or it seems, they simply don’t care.”

Yes, Rod, they really don’t care,  because they are in the vanguard of the great global battle against climate change, and in that you aren’t very important.


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  • Todd Marsh
    commented 2023-04-07 20:06:30 -0400
    You are right, the costs of heating your house is so hard these days. But I still believe pumps are more efficient than base heaters, especially if you install them in a part of the home than can heat as many rooms as possible. The point of getting a heat pump is so that you no longer need to use base heaters. But I just love pumps in general, even got a sump pump installed last Fall by highly recommend!
  • David Flemming
    published this page in EAI Blog 2023-03-20 08:59:41 -0400