Roll Call! Senate Delays Funding Unemployment, Increases Unemployment Benefits (18-12), 2021
Roll Call! House Votes Against Income Tax Surcharge on "The Rich" (21-125), 2021
Roll Call! Senate Votes to Shift More Union Bargaining Costs to Taxpayers (22-5), 2021
Roll Call! House Supports 0.5% Property Transfer Tax on Transactions over $1 million (53-94), 2021
Vermont Ranks 41st in Taxpayer Return-On-Investment
Vermont ranked 41st out of 50 states, when it comes to taxpayers' return on investment (ROI). What Vermont taxpayers pay to Montpelier doesn’t get a great return relati... Read more
EAI Town Meeting Week Poll Results
During the Town Meeting Week break for the legislature, the Ethan Allen Institute commissioned a scientific poll (450 respondents) to gage where Vermonters are on some of the key ... Read more
Legislators Debate Doubling and Expanding the Bottle Deposit
There is a proposal making its way through the Vermont House of Representatives toRead more