8 VT Counties Expect Stimulus 10-26x their Annual Budgets
Some Vermont counties are set to get more money from the federal government in one year than they have gotten from Vermont taxpayers in the 21st century. Part of the Co... Read more
Rep. George Till, Sales Tax on Services Champion
A few days ago I received a copy of an email to a constituent from Rep. George Till, a member of the House Ways and Means Committee. The Committee is apparently discus... Read more
Roll Call! House Opposes Exempting $30,000 of Military Pensions from Income Tax (55-79), 2021
Roll Call! House votes for $14 million/year tax on “cloud-based” software services (96-44), 2021
Roll Call! House Expands 5¢ Bottle Deposit Fees to (Almost) All Beverage Containers (99-46), 2021
The “Cloud Tax” is Back! (And You Won’t Believe Where….)
For years, legislators on the left have been eager to tax so called “cloud” services, or, as the legal language refers toRead more