Left-wing Host Pokes Fun at Low-Covid Information Leftists
On April 16, Bill Maher gave a scathing, pointed monologue that somehow managed to get his left-leaning audience to laugh at themselves.
Vermont Ranks #50 in Restraining the Governor’s Emergency Powers
Vermont scored the worst of all 50 states in providing a legislative check on the governor’s emergency powers, in Scoring Emergency Executive Power In All 50 States, a ne... Read more
Commentary: Candidate Questions for 2020
Here are 16 incisive questions, fairly stated, to put to your candidate for the legislature, Governor and Lt. Governor. Voters deserve to know what they’ll get by giving thei... Read more
The Government that Cried 'Mask Mandate'
As Governor Scott’s mask mandate looms on August 1, a popular question many Vermonters are asking is “how strictly will it be enforced?” Perhaps nothing much will change, as the v... Read more
Commentary: After COVID-19: How Much Government?
The pressure of the pandemic and imminent huge budget deficits require that Vermont launch a thoroughgoing Performance Review, not just to “squeeze out waste”, but to bring st... Read more
Commentary: Help Our Small Businesses Weather the Storm
The pandemic lockdown is decimating small businesses, many of which will never reopen. Here are four things you can do to help your favorite local small businesses weather the... Read more